Blue Tree

Company Name: Blue Tree

Address: Other
City: Gujranwala
Complaint Type: Wrong delivery
Complaint Detail: My order was jacket size D16 but but they delieverd me wrong order. I ordered something else and they have delivered me totally incorrect product. They are not cooperating either. I try to contact blue tree but they do not reply to nay email or call. Please look into the issue and try to resolve it at the earliest.



Date: 10/10/2019

Company Name: Blue Tree City: lahore Complaint Type: Wrong delivery Complaint Detail: My order was cargo pants size 34 but but they delieverd me wrong order. I ordered something hudd and they have delivered me totally incorrect product. They are not cooperating either. I try to contact blue tree but they do not reply to nay email or call. Please look into the issue and try to resolve it at the earliest.