Fabric store bin qasim

Name: Fabric store bin qasim

Phone: 333-5637081
Address: Fabric store
City: Karachi
Complaint Type: 2 suits k jaga hoody mjy mili hai
Complaint Detail: Ghalt shipment baijy hai..2 suits k jaga hoody mili hai

Pak Complaints-Fabric store bin qasim | Fabric store | Karachi | 2 suits k jaga hoody mjy mili hai



Date: 9/13/2020

Now, please email our concerned department to get the refund. Please read the below instructions carefully, to email us. 1. Mention the ONLY tracking number in the " Subject Column ". 2. Attach the images of the product you have ordered and received. 3. Send it to [email protected] and CC [email protected]